Scarlet Inkhorn Missions
Why the name
Now the glory of the God of Israel had gone up from the cherub, where it had been, to the threshold of the temple. And He called to the man clothed with linen, who had the writer’s inkhorn at his side; and the Lord said to him, “Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done within it.”
On September 11th, 2022 at a church service Nithya saw a red mark come on her upper forehead as she entered the church . She was initially confused as a red mark symbolizes marriage in the culture she comes from.
For the next three days she saw the mark. She sought the Lord to understand the meaning and was led by the Holy Spirit to ask one of her brothers in Christ for interpretation and before she could finish sharing the vision, he referred her to Ezekiel 9.
In Ezekiel 9, The God of Israel commanded the angel clothed in linen to mark the foreheads of the remnant who are crying out against the abominations. As she read the Word, she knew the Lord has marked her and is calling her to mark the remnant.
Scarlet Inkhorn Ministries was birthed from that encounter and confirmation in Ezekiel 9:3-4.
Psalm 22:6 "[TS] But I am
a worm, and no man;"
The Hebrew word for worm used here, is «tola’ath»,
which means ‘Crimson Worm’.
«Tow-la-ath» is the name of a specific worm of the Middle East.
The Crimson Worm is common to the region of old Israel. In ancient days the dead bodies of the female Crimson Worms were scrapped from the tree, dried, and then ground into a powder that was used to dye their cloth and garments a scarlet or red color.
When the Crimson Worm climbs on the tree it will not come back down alive. It is going to the tree, to birth a family, and to do that it must die.
Yeshua, knowing all things, still was willing to die on the cross to birth a family. Once on the tree, the Crimson Worm attaches itself to the tree. The Crimson Worm then lays its eggs under its body and the protective shell. When the larvae hatch, they stay under the shell. The mother’s body gives protection for her new-born, and also provides them with food. The young feed on the living body of the mother
During the birthing process, she secretes a crimson fluid or gel. The scarlet fluid covers her entire body and all the eggs she lays. It also leaves a stain on the tree, which will never fade away with the passing of time. After dying to birth the family, something amazing takes place.
For a period of three days, the worm can be scrapped for from the tree and the crimson gel can be used to make a dye. That dye was the same which was used in the tabernacle and in the garments of the High Priest.
On the morning of the fourth day, the worm pulls the head and tail together and now in the shape of a heart on the tree but is no longer crimson. It is now a wax, which is white as snow. The snow white-wax looks like a little patch of wool on the side of the tree and begins to flake off and drop to the ground like snow
Isaiah 1:18 [TS] "Come now, and let us reason together,” says יהוה. “Though your sins are like scarlet (shani), they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson (tola'ath), they shall be as wool.
Yeshua gave up his life in order to cleanse his children from their sins with his crimson blood and purified their sins making them white as snow. He died for us, that we might live through him!
Lastly, the Crimson worm is also very fragrant when it is crushed.
Ephesians 5:2 [TS] And walk in love, as Messiah also has loved us, and gave Himself for us, a gift and an offering to Elohim for a sweet-smelling fragrance.
As an offering – Exodus 25:4
Tabernacle Coverings and curtains – Exodus 26:27
High Priest’s holy garments and breastplate: Exodus 28 & 39
Veil of the Tabernacle/Temple: Exodus 26 & 36
Rahab’s thread: Joshua 2
Sin: Isaiah 18
Yeshua’s Robe: Matthew 27:28
Yeshua, the Nazarene, our Master and Saviour, the Messiah, Son of the Eternal became a worm for our sake. Let us not forget what this means.